Types of Facelift Surgery
A facelift surgery restores the youthful position of facial muscles and tissues. It can also restore the jawline and create a balanced facial appearance. The procedure will also reduce the appearance of sagging skin. After a successful facelift surgery, the results will be long-lasting and natural looking. It can be performed on patients who have a pronounced jowl line or a drooping jaw.
Suture facelift
Suture facelift surgery involves placing non-absorbable threads in the skin and facial tissues. These threads, known as Prolene(r), have been used in surgery for decades and are safe to use. The surgeon then gently tightens them to secure them to the skin and facial tissues. The procedure can be painful in some cases and the patient will experience bruising and swelling for four to ten days. The threads may need to be removed at a later date to prevent complications or to prevent infection.
Suture facelift surgery offers a number of benefits over traditional facelift surgery. First, it is less invasive, taking just an hour or so to complete. Second, it can be performed under local anesthesia, which reduces the risk of complications and minimizes recovery time. And third, it is affordable.
Cutaneous (skin) facelift
A cutaneous (skin) facelift tightens the skin to improve sagging and loose facial tissue, while leaving the deeper tissues intact. The procedure is less invasive than other types of facelift surgery, and can be a good choice for older patients. However, it also has a lower success rate and lower longevity compared to other procedures.
The primary goal of a surgical facelift is to eliminate sagging facial skin and loss of cheek volume. During the procedure, the surgeon will cut, tighten, and reposition the facial muscles and skin. In addition, excess fat may be removed or repositioned in the cheek area. This is a common procedure performed by plastic surgeons.
Mini-facelift surgery is less invasive than a traditional facelift and is best for patients who have only mild to moderate signs of facial aging. Although the procedure is effective, it does not address neck laxity, and patients who are more advanced in their aging process should consider a more extensive facelift procedure.
Because of its smaller incisions, the mini-facelift procedure has less risk of unsightly scarring. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation, and the surgeon will discuss which option is right for your needs. Mini-facelift surgery can address unwanted signs of aging before they become too noticeable and may postpone the need for a full facelift surgery for several years.
SMAS plication
SMAS plication is a procedure that involves raising the SMAS flap using scissors. The Face Lift Sydney SMAS is the fibrovascular layer that lies between the parotid fascia and subdermal fat. It is thickest near the ear and becomes thinner as it spreads along the cheek. The SMAS is then sutured in place using a 2-0 quill or polydioxanone suture. After the procedure, patients may experience pain and facial hypesthesia for several weeks.
There are several advantages of SMAS plication surgery. First, this surgical procedure is safe, effective, and minimizes the risks of the procedure. It also results in a quicker recovery. Second, SMAS plication allows the surgeon to avoid the mid-cheeks.