The Benefits of Online and Blended Employee Training
When it comes to training your employees, what’s right for your company? Some companies use traditional, on-site training while others turn to online training. In both cases, the benefits of online training outweigh the disadvantages. Online training is scalable, flexible, and available to all workers. Another option is a blended learning approach, which blends both online and offline teaching methods to provide the most relevant and effective training for your employees. Read on to learn more about the benefits of each method.
On-the-job training
On-the-job Employee training is the process in which employees use tools and resources in their daily work environments to learn specific skills. Internal training is generally provided by co-workers, managers, or experienced co-workers. Employees with the proper training have a higher chance of being productive and grow in their position. While every business has its own needs, training employees on-the-job may meet those needs. Here are some of the benefits of this type of training.
Structured on-the-job training is beneficial for workplaces with repeating tasks or specialized systems. It is often based on checklists and demonstrations and is most effective for tasks that require repetitive, systematic performance. The trainer should be an experienced co-worker who does the same tasks as the employee is supposed to perform. In some cases, on-the-job training may also involve role-play scenarios with customers.
Video training
Video employee training is the way to go if you have a large team or don’t have time to send employees out on field trips. Using videos can be a great solution because they are accessible anywhere and can be shared with employees at their convenience. Also, video content can be easily shared online and can be viewed by employees at their desk. This allows you to reduce travel costs and ensure consistent training. And, because videos are short and easy to digest, they can be shared with multiple employees at once.
Before creating your training video, consider the audience. Will the audience be employees, customers, or anyone else who will view the video? Do you want them to be able to easily understand it? Make sure the video has a simple language and contains only the most important information. Keep the video to a maximum of two minutes and make use of small words, sentences, and images to explain complicated concepts. Subtitles can be used to help those employees who don’t understand the written word.
Job rotation
When implemented properly, job rotation can benefit your organization’s productivity. Employees that are properly placed in new positions will be more likely to incorporate new skills into their routine. However, if the wrong person is put in an appropriate role, the results can be disastrous for both the company and the employee. Job rotation is a great way to ensure that the right person is placed in the right position at the right time. Several benefits to implementing job rotation as part of your employee training program include:
The effectiveness of job rotation depends on the frequency, duration, and design. For example, rotating employees from a heavy-duty job to a lower-risk position can minimize exposure to high-risk positions until engineering controls are implemented. But for the more sensitive jobs, a weekly rotation might be more effective. To make the job rotation as effective as possible, you should evaluate the frequency of job rotation with a Job Rotation Evaluator.